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Students are not permitted to use cellphones in hallways, classrooms, or restrooms at CPMS. Students may use their cellphone before school and during their lunch period only.

Should a parent need to reach a student, a call should be made to the front office. Conversely, if a student needs to reach a parent, they may use a campus phone.

If a cellphone is being used during a prohibited time, staff will follow the CPMS Campus Consequences guidelines, beginning with a verbal warning and potentially escalating to an office referral for repeated infractions.

We ask parents to please reinforce the importance of maintaining a distraction-free learning environment for our students. We understand a parent's desire to send their child to school with a phone, and that is why we are not prohibiting them on campus. However, with hundreds (YES, 100s!) of notifications coming through our students' phones these days, it's imperative for us to establish boundaries to limit unnecessary distractions to their learning.

We appreciate your support!

CPMS Administration Team 



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